Rescue Snake - Snake drinks water from bottle like humans
Rescue Snake - Snake drinks water from bottle like humans:
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Eladio Sánchez, head of the research center of the Ezequiel Dias Foundation in Belo Horizonte, takes the cup with gloves, taking care not to allow any poison to touch his skin. (If Seno enters a wound, it could kill you faster than a mouthful, Souza explains.) Sanchez goes to the rescue of Souza to collect the poison from the masters of the bushes (officially known as Lachesis) muta, the largest viper in the world. world, to produce anti-, as well as to test it as part of an interesting new research on the use of poison to stop the spread of cancer or metastasis. It's a risky business, but doctors say it could save lives, humans and reptiles.
"Can you imagine if we find something that controls the metastatic configuration of tumors in humans?" Souza explains. "It's huge: if you have lung cancer, you think so, because it would limit a specific tumor to a specific area and give surgeons time to act instead of trying to find it everywhere."
Snake oil is a common way of talking about cheating, but drugs backed by clinical trials derived from snake venom have been a real success. A June 2025 study lists six groups of drugs derived from poisons approved by the FDA in the United States since 1981. One of the most effective drugs derived from snake venom is captopril, an inhibitor of Angiotensin Conversion. Angiotensin (ACE), used to treat high blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of death after a heart attack. The class of ACE-inhibiting drugs is used by more than 40 million people worldwide and its key ingredient is another Brazilian viper, Bothrops jararaca.
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Rescue Snake - Snake drinks water from bottle like humans
Reviewed by the life information
February 06, 2019
Rating: 5